New Content Types to Add to Your Website

Hanan Al-Haifi

Read Time: 4 minutes

Diversifying the content types on your website will help engage your audience in different ways and will help increase conversion rates.

Content marketing is one of the most powerful tools in the digital age. You can share your knowledge and insight with your readers and therefore build a deeper relationship with your audience.

If you’re already updating your blog regularly, that’s great. But in today’s competitive landscape, that’s not enough. You have to continuously think of creative ways to create content that will benefit your reader. If you step up your content game, this can give you a competitive advantage. Here are some new content types that you can integrate into your content strategy:


7 New Content Types To Consider


1. Video

This is one of the most powerful marketing tools today. Video is more likely to be shared on social channels. It is also easily consumed on mobile. The majority of people are more likely to watch a video than read an article. Create a YouTube channel and upload quality videos that you can embed on your website.


2. Infographic

Sharing the knowledge your company has with your audience will position you as a market or subject expert. Infographics allow for complicated information to be digested easier. It’s like a visual story. Infographics are fun to read and can be developed relatively quickly by experienced graphic designers. Should you wish to have a go yourself, take a look at this great Hubspot guide on creating infographics in under an hour.


3. Bedrock Content

We touched on bedrock content when talking about content pillars. This is a longer piece of content focused on your pillar themes. It should be engaging and encourage some kind of conversion. From this larger piece you can can create smaller pieces of content, creating a spider web of relevant material that Google will love.


4. Helpful Templates

Depending on the type of business you run, you may be able to create useful templates for your audience to download. This could be a method for measuring the size of your ring finger, or a cheat sheet of conversions for passionate bakers.

Once you understand your different buyer personas, you can identify their needs and create something genuinely useful. It is also a good idea to gate the templates so you can collect information (email address, name, profession, location etc) of who is downloading your resources.


5. Press Releases

If you have something newsworthy to share about your company then it’s definitely still worth creating a press release. Adding press releases to your marketing mix can help your business in many ways. A good press release can help attract media and/or investor attention, as well as alert your customers to your business growth and influence.

Read more: How to Write a Press Release


6. Guest Blog Collaborations

Collaborating with guest bloggers is a great way to gain a wider reach. Whether the blogger is from the same industry or a different field that compliments your service offering, another blogger’s content can keep your audience coming back for more. Just remember to be selective about who to collaborate with to ensure you’re not going off-brand.


7. Curated Content

Sharing content from other resources will diversify your content calendar. Make sure you source content that will be interesting to your reader personas and aligns with your brand values. Take a look at our guide for when to create and when to curate content on The William Agency Insight Blog.


Top Tips to Keep Your New Content Types on Track!


Be SEO Savvy

Google bots crawl the web in search of specific keywords that indicate what a web page is about and if its content is relevant to certain search queries. Make sure that any new piece of content adheres to keyword research and any SEO/CRO strategy you have created.

Consider Your Meta-Data

Always remember to have your meta-title and description filled out appropriately. They need to be precise and relevant to the actual content of the page. They also can’t be too long. According to Moz, Google picks up the first 50–60 characters of between 155–160 characters for the meta description.

Optimise for Conversion

You can encourage users to take a specific, measurable action in-line with your business goals. Learn more about how to optimise content for conversion here.

To get fresh ideas for your content calendar, speak to our team.

Written By: Hanan Al-Haifi

Written By: Hanan Al-Haifi

Hanan is a content marketing creator and a contributor to The William Agency.


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