Although there isn’t an exact recipe that ensures being prioritised by Google, a lot can be done to improve your ranking. As the SEO game is always changing, it is important to keep-up with the SEO experts on new ways to optimise your search engine results. If you are...
How to Convert Traffic to Sales
Capturing an audience and driving them to your website is great, but are you doing enough to convert traffic into sales? You have a nice website, you've implemented SEO and figured out the type of Google and social ads that speak to your target audience. You are...
New Content Types to Add to Your Website
Diversifying the content types on your website will help engage your audience in different ways and will help increase conversion rates. Content marketing is one of the most powerful tools in the digital age. You can share your knowledge and insight with your readers...
What is UX Copywriting? A Beginner’s Guide
Create an easy and enjoyable online experience for your users with a considered UX copywriting and UX micro-copy strategy. With more people relying on the internet to find information and shop, companies must create websites and apps that align with the user’s needs...
Essential Guide: Keyword Research Tools 2018
We’ve already highlighted the importance of keyword research for getting your content noticed and offered a beginner’s guide to getting started. Now we’re here to talk you through our favourite keyword research tools, what they’re good for and how to use them. ...
Easy Ways To Improve Your Customer’s Digital Journey
Usability and User Experience (UX) are terms thrown around almost interchangeably in our digital world - but what do they mean? How do usability and UX differ and how can you use them to improve your customer’s digital journey? Usability When assessing your...
SEO Copywriting Tutorial: How To Do Keyword Research For Free
Targeting keywords is one of SEO's oldest tricks. When it comes to keyword research, a little goes a long way. Yet many of us are unsure as to how we should naturally include specific terms (words and phrases) that we want our page to rank for. What Is SEO...
How To Write Product Descriptions That Sell
Product descriptions are vital to e-commerce success. Like all digital content, the key is to write for both customers and Google. Product Description Writing For Customers: If your e-commerce site is your shop window, then your product titles and descriptions are...